When I was a very young Comic Book Nerd in the 1970's I started to look for older vintage issues, stuff from the 1960's & earlier. Of course BATMAN was my most favorite title! One such issue I found was Batman # 188. It had an amazing cover graphic by Carmine Infantino. The story inside was great too! Basically there was this Mob Guy who's job it was to clean-up a crime scene, after a crime was committed, so that there would be no evidence for the Police ( or Batman & Robin ) to find. He became known as THE ERASER! THE RUBBER-HEADED VILLAIN! His costume was totally cheesy, but in a good way. He looked like a Giant No.2 Pencil, ha ha, & his head looked like the eraser-end of the pencil...very cool! He was sort of a one-shot character. He appeared & then went to jail in the same issue. I don't know why but I totally loved this villain! So, you can imagine my surprise when I received some promotional material from Warner Bros for tonight's new episode of Batman: The Brave & The Bold cartoon & saw that this villain will be making an appearance! WOW! That's one thing I really love about this TV show, they bring in the most obscure characters you can imagine. So, you KNOW that I will be watching this animated series tonight, ha ha!