This post is a friendly reminder that our current BAT-BLOG CONTEST to win a FREE Mint Copy of the LEGO BATMAN: THE VIDEO GAME ends in a few days on February 11th, 2010. So, if you have not entered yet then please do so today! For more details about this amazing event please click HERE!
Now, this picture up above is NOT the item we're giving away ( I wish! ). No, this is a very cool piece of artwork I came across the other day & the artist who made it did it using nothing but Lego Bricks & a little bit of black vinyl tape ( for the "flying bats" & Batman chest logo ). Don't you think it's really cool? I do! I think he did a great job on it. I love when artistic people get inspired by the Dark Knight Universe. So, If you're a creative person who has done a Drawing, Painting, Custom Toy, or Whatever...then please send us a photo!