OK KIDS, You know the drill, today is "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" & that's when we feature some brand-new ( Exclusive ) BATMAN-themed Desktop Backgrounds. The 1st one is sort of a PROMO for the Bat-Blog. It uses the original art from the 1960's Aurora Model Kit Box. Of course it's the BAT-CYCLE from the 1966 TV Show! The next one is some beautiful comic book art of BATMAN & ROBIN running in action! It's from the now classic "Batman: The Animated Series" cartoon. I hope everybody likes these, but if not, then please remember that we have hundreds more posted here at the Bat-Blog! So, just click on the button below for the last 30 or so we have posted recently. Or, you can also visit the Bat-Blog's BAT-ARCHIVES too. That would be better because you can enjoy over 3000 posts we have done, ha ha! The Archives are located on the left-side of this page, towards the middle. Just click on a month/year at random & have fun!