Oh man! I almost totally forgot that today is "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday", ha ha! So, just in time, here are a few Batman-themed Desktop Backgrounds you can use to brighten your day! I also thought it would be good if they had a "Halloween-theme" because that holiday is in a few days. So, HERE...WE...GO! The 1st one is a montage I created from many of the different Batman-related Costume Photos that readers have sent in. Now, of course, I could not get everybody in there & I promise I picked them out totally at random so I'm not playing favorites here. Just thought it would be fun! The next 2 were made from some photos sent to me by a costume company. The "Blond Girl as Robin, The Boy Wonder" is pretty nice to look at all day long & the "Dog in Batman Costume" just totally cracks me up, ha ha! ( Dogs NEVER look happy in these photos but he does ). HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! Please be safe out there!!