Awhile back, here at the Bat-Blog, one of our readers, named Tomas, shared some really nice photos of his amazing Batman Action Figure Toy Collection. The cool thing is that he's from Puerto Rico & I love to meet Bat-Fans from all over the globe, so that was pretty neat. Anyway, he submitted a lot of wonderful pics that many readers totally enjoyed ( his collection is awesome ). Now, when he sent those photos he took a special photo of one unique toy that I saved to post at another time...because it really stood out. It's a "Bootleg Batman Action Figure" from China & while looking at the photo I noticed a lot of English spelling mistakes that were kind of funny! Here they are: In the top right-hand corner of the packaging art it says, "Morgan Freeman". OK, right off the bat they're wrong because it's a figure of Christian Bale as Batman, ha ha! But, it continues to say, "most new series, design for the children fangle ( the word "Fragile", maybe? ) and in the high quality welcome you use our products completely new to come into the market"...yeah, totally crazy! Then, at the bottom of the front-side it says, "BATMAN BEGINS, Super Century Design, Unequal in Performance". Which is spelled a little better but is sort of totally wacky!! Anyways, I thought this stupid stuff was kinda funny...hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, ha ha! So, now go to the store & buy your Morgan Freeman figure!