Longtime Readers of the Bat-Blog might remember awhile back we posted 2 Desktop Wallpapers that featured artwork by the Graphic Artist / Painter named Tom Dougherty. One of them was Poison Ivy & the other one was The Penguin. I know you guys remember "The Penguin" one because I got a lot of e-mails about it. He was done to look just like Alfred Hitchcock. It was really cool & people went nuts, ha ha! Actually most readers liked both of them very well. Anyways, Tom just did another piece of art recently with The Joker & it's amazing! Basically it's the Joker, looking totally insane, & on his right hand is a Batman Puppet ( Be sure to click on that graphic for a larger, more sharp, version ). The funny thing is, as soon as I saw it, I recognized the hand puppet as being one that was featured here at the Bat-Blog awhile back, ha ha. It's a "German Bootleg Toy" of Batman and I posted a pic down below to jog people's memory. Now, once I started to get past the whole "puppet thing" I suddenly realized that this graphic is painted extremely well. The coloring is great! The composition is wonderful. Everything about it is awesome! OK, now if you like this guy's work then you need to check out his blog because he has a lot of artwork showing there too that's pretty cool. There's a LINK BUTTON down below. Plus, I think it's neat to see what artists are up too. You know, you always have to keep an eye on them...make sure they're now causing trouble, ha ha! ( Thanks Tom for sending the cool pic ). One last thing, if you click HERE you can see those 2 Poison Ivy & Penguin Desktop Wallpapers I was talking about, they're beautiful!