Oh man, is it already Wednesday again? Well, OK then, you know what time it is...it's "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday™"! Today I thought I would go with a "Batmobile Theme" because The Caped Crusader has the coolest car in the whole wide world! Plus, by total random accident, I got 2 backgrounds this week from 2 different Bat-Blog Readers & they were both Batmobiles, ha ha! The 1st one was sent to us by a friend named Satish. It's a beautiful graphic of the 1989 Batmobile Car in all it's glory. I remember when that movie came out & I totally loved the car, still do today. The 2nd one is a real-life 1960's Catalog Advertisement ( maybe Sears? ) where they show a very cool "Batmobile Bedspread". Oh man! I have NEVER ever seen this before & it's so incredibly beautiful!! Seriously, I would have killed to have this as a little kid, it's so cool! Mark, thanks for sending this old vintage ad and, Satish, thank you for all the wallpapers you sent, they're great! I'll be sure to post the others in the future so keep an eye out. If any other Bat-Blog Readers want to participate & send us ANY Batman news or pics then please do. Our e-mail button is always at the top right-hand side of this page. Plus, the main focus of the Bat-Blog is to share the joy & love of collecting Batman...so, thank you.