Last night, while watching the 2008 Presidential Election, I picked the third name out of the hat for one of the current Bat-Blog Contests going on. Of course I'm talking about where we are giving away 4 sets of the new BATMAN ARCHIVES Trading Cards. There will be 4 winners, one picked every few days. The 3rd set goes to Tiffany H. of San Jose, CA.!! Congrats Tiffany, please send us an e-mail to confirm your address & I will be mailing you this awesome set of cards. Now, for everybody else who has entered, and people who have not heard of this contest yet, there are still a few more chances to win so stay tuned. Oh yeah, if you have not entered yet then click on the button down below for details. Thanks. ( Oh yeah, the button down below is also here to remind everybody that these cards were very generously donated by a Bat-Blog Reader named "THE BATFAN" ).