OK, Here's the deal. I have obsessively collected Vintage Batman Toys & Memorabilia for 20+ years. Not to be bragging but I have a pretty extensive & very insane collection. I'm kinda proud of it & it's a hobby that brings me alot of joy. But, there is sooooo much cool Batman stuff out there that it's totally impossable to have everything & some items have eluded me. Either I have not found them cheap at a garage sale or flea market or I have not had the money to pay big prices on eBay or at a toy show. Here's the perfect example: This is the ultra-beautiful BATMAN EXECUTIVE SET from the 70's, shown MINT with original box! About 6 years ago I found the black BAT-SYMBOL Calender piece, missing the "number/date cubes". I recently found the Joker Stapler in great shape but missing the "stapler guts" inside. So, both pieces are missing parts but still in good shape for display. I don't have the Batman Pencil Sharpener. Also, the thing to consider, is that I paid 50 cents for each item, ha ha ha, & ya can't pass 'em up for 50 cents! Anyway, later this year I plan on trying to find this set MINT IN BOX & will probably have to pay alot for it. But, I can sell the other 2 pieces to offset the price a little bit. I think one of the coolest things about collecting Vintage Batman is the actual fact that there is such a HUGE volume of Memorabilia & Vintage Toys that it can take you a lifetime to find everything there is. It's not like other items where you find everything & "then it's game over", Batman is forever! Actually I think that if you had a large team of people working for you & a super-unlimited budget that you would NEVER never find everything!