Sunday, August 14, 2011

BUMPED-Exclusive: Obama calls Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton to secret WH meeting on how to deal with the Perry Problem

The Last Tradition has obtained a transcript of a top secret meeting between President Obama, Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton on how to handle Texas Gov Rick Perry entrance to the GOP run for president.

President Obama: God damn it, Chris! You told me Perry wasn’t going to run.

Chris Matthews: I tried to tell you Mr. President. But, you don’t answer your cell while you’re playing golf.

President Obama: Oh, so you think I play too much golf too?

Matthews: I didn’t say that Mr. President. My, that’s a very sharp crease you have in your pants, Mr. President.

Obama: What are you David Brooks now? Let’s focus Chris. What are we gonna do about Perry. This guy can kick my ass!

Al Sharpton: Mr. President?

Obama: Al? Don’t you see I’m talking to Chris right now?

Sharpton: Yeah, but….

Obama: Shut up, Al. I’ll get to you in a minute. What do we do, Chris?

Matthews: Let’s see, what can we do? Oh, I got it. I’ll call him crazy on my show.

Obama: Crazy huh?

Matthews: That’s it, Mr. President. I’ll call him crazy on my show, and Al can call him a racist on his show.

Obama: Hmm. Crazy and a racist?

Sharpton: But, Mr. Preesident?

Obama: Al? I’m still talking to Chris remember?

Matthews: I think that’s a winner Mr. President.

Obama: That sounds good, Chris. Maybe you can throw in some Confederate flag stuff. That always works on the Negros.

Sharpton: Negros? Mr. President! You’re black.

Obama: That’s for the campaign trail. I’m half white God dam it

Michelle Obama: It’s time for your 5th prayer of the day.

Obama: Oh, that’s right. Where’s my prayer rug?

Mrs. Obama: Where you always leave it, next to the statue of Mao Tse-tung.

Obama: Oh thanks, Honey. Okay that settles it. Chris, you get on MSNBC and call Perry crazy till the cows come home. And Al, call him a racist. That should be simple enough for you to understand because that’s all you do anyway.

Sharpton: Yes, Mr. President

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Plenty of sexy ladies in bikinis-UK breaks world record for largest group shower 152

This is one place where you don’t mind dropping the soap!

Daily Mail

They're wet and just wild about breaking the world record for the largest number of people ever to shower together.

Temperatures soared as 152 people - many girls in bikinis - washed their way into the record books on Bournemouth beach. They lathered up under a giant six-metre shower structure.

The bid organised by Lynx beat the previous record set in America two years ago when 145 people showered together in Illinois.

More pics here

Video (h/t) The Sun

Obama approval below 40% for 1st time. Hello Jimmy Carter 2.0

Do you think Obama will ever get it through his thick skull that Americans aren’t buying his class warfare drivel?

Nah, don’t hold your breath. What else is he gonna say?

The man is a radical Leftist who wants to take money away from people who work and give to people who don’t work like this woman.

This is who Obama is and the American people are soundly rejecting his philosophy.

Los Angeles Times

President Obama's summer woes have dragged his approval rating to an all-time low, sinking below 40% for the first time in Gallup's daily tracking poll.New data posted Sunday shows that 39% of Americans approve of Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove.

Both are the worst numbers of his presidency.Obama's approval rating has hovered in the 40% range for much of 2011, peaking at 53% in the weeks following the death of Osama bin Laden.

But Americans' view of his job performance continued to tick downward as the debt-ceiling debate heated up. By the time he signed legislation averting a federal default, he was mired in the low-40% range.

More here


Tim Pawlenty, Out of GOP race. Don’t let the door hit your butt, Tim!

When Pawlenty first announced, I yawned and asked to be awaken when something interesting happened.

Now that he quits after a poor showing at the Iowa Straw Poll, my lack of excitement was justified.

Let’s face it. Tim is probably a nice guy, but he put my feet to sleep. He had no shot at getting the GOP nod. So let’s move on to more compelling candidates.

ABC News

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is
dropping out of the Republican presidential contest, after a disappointing third-place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll Saturday.

"We needed to get some lift to continue on and have a pathway forward," Pawlenty said this morning in an exclusive interview on "This Week." "That didn't happen, so I'm announcing this morning on your show that I'm going to be ending my campaign for president.

"I'm very, very grateful for the people of Iowa," Pawlenty added. "I wish it would have been different, but obviously the pathway forward for me doesn't really exist, so we're going to end the campaign."

More here

Yawn to the tenth degree!


Feminists upset at Lingerie Basketball League played in Los Angeles because they’re not pretty enough to play

I totally believe in the Rush Limbaugh School of defining Feminism as a movement to give ugly woman a seat at the table.

Having said that, the Nags (feminists) are beside themselves over LBL (Lingerie Basketball League) that began play in L.A. I think it’s a good idea if they want to attract male fans to the sport.

Let’s face it, does anybody give a rip about the WNBA except Lesbians?

Daily Mail

Dressed in skimpy neon outfits, these are the scantily-clad female players being used to draw more interest to women's basketball.

Teams playing in the Lingerie Basketball League have to strip to their bras and panties for the games, which are proving popular with male fans. Four teams – the Beauties, Divas, Glam and Starlets – compete each week in the games being played in LA.

But the revealing matches have been criticised for setting back women's sports. Sports publicist Angie Meyer defended the lingerie league and said it is a serious contest.

“On paper, it looks and sounds derogatory towards women,” she told Fox News. “However, when you sit down and watch the intense athleticism of these women, you learn the league is much more than a pretty powder-puff team.”

Tickets for the Friday night games, which are only open to over 18 year olds, cost between $20 and $40.

The scantily-dressed women are being used to bring a new crowd to the sport. “It does seem as though the popularity of a particular women's sport is often unfortunately tied to how attractive its stars are,' said Larry Tobin, former Vice President of Fox Sports Interactive. “Mostly though, women's sports suffer from the same problems that most of the non-big four men's sports do,' he told Fox News.

More here

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel struggles to contain her ample bikini assets

Daily Mail

Victoria's Secret Model Candice Swanepoel certainly cannot be accused of being shy about flaunting her body.

The curvy blonde adjusted her ample assets as they poured out of a neon green bikini top, yesterday on a beach in St Barts, the South of France, but struggled to contain them.

The top was paired with multi-coloured bikini bottoms as the 22-year-old South African beauty showed off her incredible figure in the tiny two piece.

Candice is in France shooting a new campaign for the lingerie giant, which will feature her in a series of different swimsuits.

She pulled off the obligatory model poses and appeared to be having fun with the shoot - messing about in the water and pretending to throw some seaweed for one humorous shot.

Candice looked tanned and toned in the swimwear, and appeared to have put the controversy she caused over her once-shockingly slim frame behind her.

More pics here