Here every week at the Bat-Blog.com we post some unique BATMAN Wallpaper Backgrounds that are fun. We call the event, "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday", ha! The 1st one is a wonderful graphic sent in by our friend Chris. It's a colored drawing of multiple Batman heads, very cool! His friend, Aaron Florian, created it. You can visit Aaron's website by clicking HERE! ( Sorry, I think you have to be a Tumblr Member to see everything ). The next wallpaper is pretty simple, but still looks great as a background. It's a photo of 2 very cool DC Direct Batman Action Figure Toys. The left one is a "Golden Age 1939" version ( or "Batman's First Appearance ). The right one is a more "Modern Day" version... awesome! I wanna thank Chris for thinking about the Bat-Blog & sending this wonderful artwork. Plus, as always, please let me know which Dark Knight Wallpaper you like the best!