I got this hilarious photo the other night from Chuck Dixon & it totally cracks me up! Recently he went to the 2009 Mini-Mega Con in Orlando, Florida. This is one of those comic book conventions I would really love to go to. While there, Chuck met "The Ventriloquist & The Dummy, Scarface". WOW! This costume is pretty awesome! I wanna thank Chuck for the photo, it really brightened my day. I love when Comic Book Fans get really into the characters they love. Cosplay is just one way they show they care, that's cool. Oh yeah, and for a few Bat-Blog Readers who might not know, Chuck Dixon was a MAJOR Batman comic book writer for many years during the 90's. So it's cool he got to meet "The Ventriloquist & Scarface", ha ha! Hey, if any other Bat-Blog Readers have any fun comicon or cosplay photos then please be sure to send them in! Our e-mail button is ALWAYS on the top right-hand side of this page.