This post is all about the amazing Batman Toy Collection of our good friend Tomas from Puerto Rico. He's been reading the Bat-Blog for awhile & decided to send us some photos. Personally, I love when people do that because there's something special about seeing other people's collections. I always like to see what I have & don't have. It looks like Tomas likes to collect New Action Figures, Superhero Dolls, Silver-Age Comics Books, & Vintage Beatles Record Albums! Yeah, I couldn't help but notice them as I'm a BIG FAN of the Fab Four also. I also like how everything is so well-organized & displayed properly, that's cool, good job. Before it's too late, I wanna thank Tomas for taking the time to take all of these pictures, they're great! Tomas, your collection is wonderful & I appreciate the pics. I also want to invite all readers of this blog to send in your collection photos. Sharing the love of the Batman Character & The Joys of Collecting is what the Bat-Blog is all about!!