One aspect of collecting Batman Memorabilia that I really enjoy are the wacky food products that companies come out with. I almost always love the design of the packaging to these items & a perfect example is the BATMAN GUMMY-BAT that is in stores now. Basically it's a HUGE gummy bear candy that is in the shape of a real-life flying bat ( yeah, very weird ). Now, the only place I have seen this so far is Toys-R-Us but it really cracks me up! The next example is a vintage ad from 1996. Back then if you bought Eskimo Pie Ice Cream or Welch's Fruit Juice Bars then you could have got 2 Batman & Robin: Animated Series Trading Cards, there were 12 to collect. ( Thanks to Mike for sending this cool photo ). So, I'm wondering... What other "Batman Food Products" are out there? If you have something like this in your collection then please send a photo today!