I have had this picture for a few days but needed to confirm it before posting. This is a "Teaser Image" of the HOT TOYS Harvey Dent Two-Face Figure ( Large Doll ) they plan to release later. Everybody is very excited about this! HOT TOYS is really well-known for their high-quality products. If you remember the "Joker Bank Robber" figure we featured here awhile back then that should give you a good idea. They did such a great job at sculpting the head for this figure that it looked exactly like a photo of the actor Heath Ledger! So, it's gonna be neat to see how much this one looks like Aaron Eckhart. Please stay tuned with the Bat-Blog & when the toy company finally releases some new photos we'll feature then here. In the meanwhile, what do you think about the idea of a Two-Face figure?!!