Our friend Andrew made this awesome Batman Wallpaper to share with Bat-Blog readers & we love it! He wrote, "I discovered this rare drawing of Batman with Captain America on Norm Breyfogle's website and thought it might look better colored in. I gave it a whirl in Photoshop, added a bit of motion blur etc and the resulting wallpaper is attached. I hope Norm won't mind me doing it & I hope the Bat-Blog readers will like it too." WOW Andrew! You did a great job coloring Breyfogle's black & white art...nice! When I was in my 20's (in the 1980's) I seriously collected ALL the Batman comic books & Norm Breyfogle was always a favorite bat-artist. A friend of mine said he met him at a comicon one year & said he was extremely nice, a very down-to-earth guy. So, that's cool. Oh yeah, I'm putting the B&W graphic you used with the wallpaper so people can see what a great job you did. Thanks again Andrew!