Sunday, July 31, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deal Reached To Avert Default-Tea Party can declare victory!

Even though Tea Party members may not like the final deal, they can surely declare victory for getting congress to deal with fixing the country’s outrageous debt situation. They set the terms of the debate where neither establishment GOPers nor Democrats wanted to go.

It’s not a perfect fix, far from it. But, it’s a small step in the right direction.

The big loser is President Obama who stayed on the sidelines and showed just how incompetent he is as president. Next on the agenda is voting him out of office.

The Huffington Post

President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders reached historic agreement Sunday night on a compromise to permit vital U.S. borrowing by the Treasury in exchange for more than $2 trillion in long-term spending cuts.

Officials said Republican Speaker John Boehner telephoned Obama at mid-evening to say the agreement had been struck.

Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid said that both his party and opposition Republicans gave more ground than they wanted to. He said it'll take members of both political parties to pass the measure.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the pact "will ensure significant cuts in Washington spending" and he assured the markets that a first-ever default on U.S. obligations won't occur.

Both the leaders said they will brief their colleagues tomorrow on the details of the agreement.

More here



Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has signed off on a deal to raise the debt limit pending the approval of his caucus -- and of course if can win the backing of Senate GOP leaders and then a majority of the House.

His spokesman confirms that Reid will present the deal to his caucus shortly, with the hope of holding a vote on it Sunday night, giving House leaders some running room to pass the plan before the nation's borrowing authority expires late Tuesday.

The deal works like this:

It guarantees the debt limit will be hiked by $2.4 trillion. Immediately upon enactment of the plan, the Treasury will be granted $400 billion of new borrowing authority, after which President Obama will be allowed to extend the debt limit by $500 billion, subject to a vote of disapproval by Congress.

That initial $900 billion will be paired with $900 billion of discretionary spending cuts, first identified in a weeks-old bipartisan working group led by Vice President Joe Biden, which will be spread out over 10 years.

Obama will later be able to raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion, again subject to a vote of disapproval by Congress.

That will be paired with the formation of a Congressional committee tasked with reducing deficits by a minimum of $1.2 trillion. That reduction can come from spending cuts, tax increases or a mixture thereof

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Only Way Is Essex star Lydia Bright bikini shot with fatso boyfriend

Fat or not the guy has enough game to hook up with Lydia.

The Sun

THE Only Way Is Essex star
Lydia Bright is clearly delighted that her romance is back on with James 'Arg' Argent - even if he's a little l-Arg-er these days.

Lydia, 20 - who split with him in the second series - kissed the 17st11lbs singer by a pool on hols in Marbella then posted a photo on Twitter, saying: "Look at the stud on me arm."

Arg, 23, is aiming to lose 1½st with The Sun's Fabulous magazine team. A pal said: "He was eating to fill the gap Lydia left in his life. Now he'll soon be back to his best."

Big fish tale: Angler enters record books after catching EIGHT FOOT albino catfish

Now that’s one big fish!

Daily Mail

This monster from the deep has netted a British angler a place in the record books. The whopper, caught by plucky Chris Grimmer, is the biggest albino catfish ever caught by an angler.

The 8ft beast tipped the scales at 194lbs - 2lbs heavier than the previous best by blind woman angler Shelia Penfold last year.

More here

Hoey, look what you have to clean!

CNN Anchor Clashes With Sen. Rand Paul Over Debt Ceiling


After proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Reid bill and having it struck down, Sen. Rand Paul sat down with Don Lemon to explain what was happening on the floor and what compromises he was up for making.

Lemon was in a curt mood, it seems, as weeks have gone by and the debt deadline looms with little to no visible progress occurring. The two had a contentious exchange as Sen. Paul tried to explain he did have the will to compromise when Lemon questioned what it would take.

Game addict Chris Staniforth, 20, killed by deep vein thrombosis playing too much Xbox

I stopped playing games (Sega game system) when I was twenty four years old. That was twenty four years ago and I thought I’d stopped at a late age. But, the game systems changed and I thought it was an opportunity for me to put away childish things.

I don’t get grown men playing video games.

The Sun

A LAD of 20 has been killed by a blood clot caused by playing his Xbox for up to 12 hours at a time.

A post mortem revealed that
Chris Staniforth - addicted to games such as Halo - had suffered a deep vein thrombosis. It can be triggered by sitting in one position for long spells.

Stunned dad David, of Sheffield, said: "He lived for his Xbox. I never dreamed he was in any danger.

"As a parent you think playing computer games can't do them any harm because you know what they are doing

"Kids all over the country are playing these games for long periods - they don't realise it could kill them."

Chris collapsed seconds after telling a friend how he had been experiencing a strange sensation in his chest.

The pair were chatting outside a JobCentre where Chris had an interview.

David said: "He told his friend how he was woken in the night by a strange feeling in his chest.

“Then he dropped a packet of chewing gum and as he picked it up, he jolted back and began to spasm."

Chris's friend called an ambulance - but paramedics could not save him.
A coroner yesterday confirmed DVT had caused Chris's death and it was cited on his death certificate.

More here

Republicans and Democrats reach tentative deal on debt ceiling talks that kicks the can down the road, again!

As I expected this Kabuki dance between the Dems and the GOP was coming down to the last wire.

Basically, this deal that both sides are not going to like does nothing to stop the rate of spending.

Instead of going over the cliff at 100 mph, we’re slowing down to 92.

It’s kicking the can down the road, as usual.

ABC News

Democratic and Republican Congressional sources involved in the negotiations tell ABC News that a tentative agreement has been reached on the framework of a deal that would give the President a debt ceiling increase of up to $2.4 trillion and guarantee an equal amount of deficit reduction over the next 10 years.

The details are still being worked out, and a senior White House aide tells ABC News, "talks continue but there is no deal to report."

Congressional leaders plan to brief their members on the framework tomorrow. The reaction from both parties' rank-and-file will determine whether this tentative deal becomes a final deal.

Here, according to Democratic and Republican sources, are the key elements:

*A debt ceiling increase of up to $2.1 to $2.4 trillion (depending on the size of the spending cuts agreed to in the final deal).

*They have now agreed to spending cuts of roughly $1.2 trillion over 10 years.

* The formation of a special Congressional committee to recommend further deficit reduction of up to $1.6 trillion (whatever it takes to add up to the total of the debt ceiling increase). This deficit reduction could take the form of spending cuts, tax increases or both.

*The special committee must make recommendations by late November (before Congress' Thanksgiving recess).

* If Congress does not approve those cuts by December 23, automatic across-the-board cuts go into effect, including cuts to Defense and Medicare. This "trigger" is designed to force action on the deficit reduction committee's recommendations by making the alternative painful to both Democrats and Republicans.

* A vote, in both the House and Senate, on a balanced budget amendment.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman Movie News - Video of 3 Tumbler Batmobile Cars in Pittsburgh!

Yes! THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman movie is really getting underway! Here's a video showing the "Camouflage Version" of the Tumbler cruising the streets of Pittsburgh! Actually, there are 3 of them. I guess they either have back-up ones or they each perform a different!

CLICK HERE For More Batman The Dark Knight Rises Video!

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - 1st Decent Photo of TOM HARDY as BANE in Full Costume

A friend just sent me this great photo taken by Photographer Jared Wickerman showing Actor TOM HARDY as BANE in Full-Costume! ( Click on it for a larger, sharper version ). They're filming THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman movie right now in Pittsburgh & he got this great shot! To check out more cool Photojournalism from Jared, just click HERE!

Computer performs wedding ceremon

Maybe computer can be the norm to perform same sex weddings?

Daily Mail

When Miguel Hanson and Diana Wesley get married today, they won't stand before a gray haired minister holding a Bible. Instead, they'll be looking at a 30-inch monitor.

Mr Hanson, a Houston, Texas web developer and IT consultant, created a minister software program when the couple couldn't get a friend to serve as the minister at their wedding. On one half of the screen, they'll see a virtual minister with an animated, square face with blue eyes and thin, oval glasses.

His voice will be heard over a sound system while the text of what he's saying will show up on the other half of the screen.
'I was like, you know I'm going to write my own minister,' Mr Hanson said.

More here

The trigger that could lead to a debt deal

I was saying to a good friend of mine who’s really concerned about the country might go into default, not to worry.

This whole song and dance going on in Washington is exactly that, a show to scare the Be-jesus out of people, so when a deal finally gets cut, most people won’t pay attention to the details of a crappy deal that solves absolutely nothing.

The Washington Post

Look closely at the Reid and Boehner bills. The first round of cuts are pretty much the same. The joint congressional committee charged with recommending further deficit reduction is pretty much the same. The difference is that Boehner’s bill forces them to act. He ties a future increase in the debt-ceiling to the successful passage of their proposal. Reid’s bill has no such trigger. And many of the participants in this process say that is the space where a deal will be made -- or not made.

Democrats dismiss Boehner’s current offer completely.
At the New Republic, Jonathan Chait piquantly
compared it to “a kidnapper who offers to give you back your child in return for $100,000 and your other child.” A senior Democratic aide in the Senate is even blunter. “That’s the one line in the sand we’ve drawn this whole time. We can’t be revisiting this in another six months.”

Most think the likely compromise is a trigger that would impose automatic, across-the-board cuts in spending if the committee fails in its mission. But Senate Democratic leadership isn’t so sure. They worry that a spending-cuts only trigger is heads, Republicans win; tails, Democrats lose. “The idea of triggers with just cuts is a non-starter. Republicans would just deadlock the committee and get the cuts they want,” continues the aide. “If there is a trigger it would have to be balanced.”

The White House proposed a balanced trigger in April: It would have automatically raised taxes and cut spending if America wasn’t on a path to balanced budgets by 2014. In his remarks on Friday morning, Obama reiterated that support. “if we need to put in place some kind of enforcement mechanism to hold us all accountable for making these reforms, I’ll support that too if it’s done in a smart and balanced way.”

More here


Original BATMAN Comic Book Art at TOONSEUM in Pittsburgh has been extended through August 21st.

In Pittsburgh, at the TOONSEUM, they're having an Comic Art Show called "SUPERHEROES : ICONS & ORIGINS". Basically it's an Art Gallery showing of Vintage Comic Book Art. Now, it was going to end on July 31st but now they have been extended it through August 21st. For more information, click HERE!

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman Movie News - The Batsignal Seen in Pittsburgh!

To celebrate the fact that the next Batman Movie, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, will be filmed for one month in Pittsburgh the city hired "Lightwave International" to create a BAT-SIGNAL to welcome the Director, Actors, & Film Crew. The BAT-LOGO shined on the famous Highmark Building & was actually done with High-Powered Lasers! Be sure to click on the photo below for a larger, more detailed, version... it's freakin' AWESOME!!

BATMAN ARKHAM CITY - 1970's Inspired BATMAN SKIN - UK Video Game Exclusive

In BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM we could all pretty much be Batman but all with the same costume. For BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY there has already been an announcement that, in the Special "Limited Collector's Edition" of BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY, it will include a Frank Miller-style "The Dark Knight Returns" Batman skin that will change the appearance of the character to look like the TDKR version.

OK, it's been announced in the UK that if you buy the "Limited Collector's Edition" of BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY from a company called SHOP TO, you can get a free EXCLUSIVE download that will enable you to have a 1970's Inspired Costume Skin ( see the pic up above ). Now, I'm not sure if this will be made available in the USA or if it will even work with American Consoles. But if you're curious & wanna check it out then here's a LINK!

Video - BATMAN YEAR ONE - Warner Bros Promo at Comic-Con 2011

Well, at this year's 2011 Comic Con a few lucky people got to see the new DC Universe Animated Movie BATMAN: YEAR ONE. The reviews have been decent so that's cool. I guess the rest of us will have to wait for the DVD or Blu-Ray & Digital Download ( Oct 18th ).

CLICK HERE For More Batman The Dark Knight Rises Video!

BREAKING: Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40%

Barack Obama is desperately trying to work the debt ceiling crisis as a means of trying to get his approval rating up by putting the blame on the Republicans.

I don’t see how that’s gonna work exactly considering his record of out-of-control spending.


President Obama's job approval rating is at a new low, averaging 40% in July 26-28 Gallup Daily tracking. His prior low rating of 41% occurred several times, the last of which was in April. As recently as June 7, Obama had 50% job approval.

Obama's approval rating averaged 46% in June and was near that level for most of July; however, it has stumbled in the past few days, coinciding with intensification of the debt ceiling/budget battle in Washington.
Obama's 40% overall approval rating nearly matches the recent 41% approval Americans gave him for handling the debt ceiling negotiations. Though Americans rate Obama poorly for his handling of the situation, they are less approving of how House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are handling it. Gallup does not include ratings of Congress or congressional leaders in its Daily tracking, and thus, there is no overall job approval rating of Boehner, Reid, or Congress directly comparable to Obama's current 40% overall job approval rating.

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Paul Ryan makes an excellent point about how the Democrats use baseline budgeting to come with phony numbers to fool the public.

Breitbart TV


Boehner: 'I stuck my neck out a mile' for debt-ceiling deal with White House

Despite what the Obama-suck media is screwing over the airwaves, the only people coming up with plans to address the financial situation of the United States are the Republicans.

The Democrats offer no plans and just criticize the GOP to score cheap political points with voters. Is this how a responsible political party should act?

I don’t think so.

The Hill

A defiant House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) late Friday defended his debt-ceiling plan by saying it is the only viable plan on paper so far.

The Speaker said he'd risked political capital and stuck his neck out to try to get a deal, while saying an agreement with Democrats was impossible due to their intransigence.

"I've offered ideas, I've negotiated," Boehner said in closing debate on his bill. "Not one time, not one time did the administration ever put any plan on the table. All they would do is criticize what I put out there.

"I stuck my neck out a mile to try to get an agreement with the president of the United States," Boehner continued to grumbling among Democrats. "Hey, I put revenues on the table in order to try to come to an agreement in order to avert us being where we are. But a lot of people in this town can never say yes."

Boehner closed his remarks by thundering: "This House has acted. And it is time for the administration and time for our colleagues across the aisle… put something on the table! Tell us where you are!"

Boehner defended an addition to his bill that would require both houses to pass a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, saying the country is ready for this change.

"It's time for this to happen," he said. "It enjoys support from both houses of this Congress, and it enjoys bipartisan and widespread support across our country."

More here

Senate Tables Boehner 3.0 Bill. Where’s the compromise by Democrats?

The House last week passed Cap, Cut, and Balance with bi-partisan support. The Democrat controlled Senate tabled the bill without even the decency of having a debate.

Last night the House passed another bill that wasn’t as good as the first as far as truly addressing the financial woes of the country. And again the Senate tabled it without a debate.

Yet still the Democrats like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Dick Durbin have the gall to accuse the GOP of not wanting to compromise.

What is the GOP controlled House supposed to do when they’re the only branch of government offering plan after plan while the Democrats are the ones refusing to deal seriously with our nations spending? It’s the Democrats with Presidents Obamam’s failed policy of super spending that has put us in this situation in the first place.

Could it be that the Democrats are actively forcing a financial collapse of the United States so they can offer up even more big government to fix it?

Sure looks lie it to me?

The Caucus, New York Times

The United States Senate quickly dispatched the
debt ceiling bill passed by the House Friday evening, tabling the Republican bill indefinitely and moving quickly to start consideration of a Democratic plan that would avoid default on Tuesday.

Less than two hours after House Speaker John A. Boehner pushed his bill through the House over the strenuous objections of nearly two dozen of his own Republican members, the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed through on their promise to kill his legislation.

But the move now sets up an uncertain 72 hours as the Congress moves ever closer to the Tuesday deadline when the Treasury Department says the country will default on its financial obligations without an increase in the debt ceiling.

Mr. Reid said he intends to start the legislative clock ticking on Friday on a new plan to raise the debt ceiling. But Mr. Reid could wait until later in the evening on Friday to allow more time for negotiation throughout the evening.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Sexy bikini babe Freida Pinto all set to Freida world

The Sun

SEXY Freida Pinto shows just why she's a global sensation - as she prepares for a battle to save the world in her latest movie.

The Slumdog Millionaire star, 26, hits cinemas next month in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, a tale of mankind and monkeys fighting for supremacy

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Question About THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman Movie Teaser Trailer

OK, by now each & everyone of us have seen the brand-new Teaser Trailer for the THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Batman movie, probably more than once. Here's my question. At the end of the trailer we see an image of Batman being confronted by Bane. We really don't get a very good view of Bane but in the background is some guy who standing off in the distance. Does anybody know who this is & is he a major character? Just curious... Oh yeah, you might have to click on the above photo for a larger, sharper, version.

More New Photos From BATMAN LIVE World Arena Tour in the UK!

Check out these 2 wonderful photos all the way from England. Our friend, Michael, who lives in Leeds, went to the BATMAN LIVE event in the UK ( Super-Jealous! ) & took these pics. The 1st one is an advertising standee of Batman that he saw in the foyer of the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle. I begged him to steal for me but he's a good citizen & would not do it, Ha Ha!

Then, Michael got this great shot of the Official "BATMAN LIVE" Souvenir Merchandise they have on sale. It looks like there are many different T-Shirts to choose from, a few Ceramic Coffee Mugs, a Program Booklet, and even some Batman Cowl Masks! ( Be sure to click on the photo for a larger version ). Great, more cool Bat-Stuff I can't afford, ha! But really, I can't wait till this show hits the USA next year. Thanks Michael for sharing your photos, you ROCK, Sir!

NEW BATMAN FINE ART PRINT - Tribute To Dick Sprang & Carmine Infantino

Awhile back, right here on the Bat-Blog, we featured some amazing artwork by an Artist named Christopher Franchi. He did this piece that combined a classic iconic image of Batman and Robin, by Carmine Infantino, & he recreated it in the drawing style of Golden Age Comic Book Artist Dick Sprang. I mean, if you're familiar with both of these Artists you can see the combination and it's an extremely awesome image. Well, Chris got it licensed by DC Comics & now it's a Limited Edition Fine Art Print ( only 75 will be made, so, very limited ). It's pretty BIG, measuring about 24" X 36" and is printed on a sturdy, high quality, card stock. It is also signed by the Artist. The thing is, it's now on eBay & I wanted to share this with my Readers because I know a lot of people will want one! For more information, just CLICK HERE!

Nafissatou Diallo DS accuser is scamming for out-of-court settlement

This reason this con artist/maid/hooker is going on a media offensive is she and her lawyer are trying to put pressure on DSK to settle for some cash to go away.

Make no mistake, it’s all about cash!

New York Post

Who's that lady?

Nafissatou Diallo was ushered into Brooklyn's Christian Cultural Center yesterday aboard patent-leather pumps that made the 5-foot-10 former hotel maid and current sex accuser tower over the two dozen supporters who stood guard, including church pastors and a prominent member of the New Black Panther Party.

She was unrecognizable.

Gone were the baggy, gray slacks and lime-green, shapeless blouse she wore in that ill-advised interview on ABC. Gone was the lifeless hair.
Who cares if the Manhattan district attorney no longer believes in her? In the 24 hours before staging a press conference/rally/image makeover, Diallo, who accuses powerful French guy
Dominique Strauss-Kahn of trying to rape her, underwent a glam, head-to-toe makeover -- even as her lawyer attempted to remake the case of rape into a case of race.

More here

John Boehner's idiotic Debt Ceiling Bill suffers setback

I’ve been saying for weeks that the debt ceiling should not be raised-period.

If a person was a million dollars in debt, spends more money a year that he takes in, then says he’s going to cut 500,000, but not in one year, rather in 10 years as he continues to spend more as his income, a rationale assessment would be that the person is stupid.

This is exactly John Boehner’s plan that cuts spending over ten years as the country continues to spend more than it takes in year after year.

And we’re supposed to accept this as solving our financial problems? It doesn’t at all.

The Huffington Post

A Republican plan that would have hiked the nation's debt ceiling for only six months and left the country's spending captive to a "Super Congress" failed to advance in the House Thursday night, with Democrats and Tea Party-backed Republicans opposing the plan.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had initially scheduled a 6 p.m. vote on his measure which, in addition to raising the debt ceiling, would have cut $915 billion in spending and set up a 12-legislator commission to compel another $1.8 trillion in reductions over 10 years. The vote was then postponed to later Thursday night, but House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced just before 10:30 p.m. that a vote would not occur until the following morning at least.

Boehner had already gone back and restructured his plan, after the
Congressional Budget Office revealed Tuesday that it contained only $850 billion in cuts -- less than the plan put forth by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
But even after his plan was re-scored -- and he spent more than a day leaning on reluctant members -- Boehner was short at least three votes, sources said.

The Hill reported that the $17 billion in funding for Pell grants contained in the bill, added in part to lure some Democrats, was a major stumbling block for some members. And many Tea Party-backed Republican freshmen oppose any increase in the debt ceiling whatsoever.

Boehner and his leadership team worked for hours, but they were unable to salvage the bill and secure the votes, marking a stunning failure for a party leader on a crucial piece of legislation.

It was unclear if Boehner would try to bring the bill up again, or if the way was now clear for Reid to advance his plan, which would cut $2.2 trillion over ten years and raise the debt ceiling enough to last into 2013.

More here

Both political parties are playing the people for suckers! Boehner needs to be kicked to the curb! We need cuts in spending, not a sham.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Topless Kelly Rowland has the seX Factor

The Sun

KELLY Rowland bares her body in an eye-popping photo shoot.

With a new album to flog, the X Factor judge has peeled off in a bid to spark interest.

Mind you, that's no bad thing.

Years of hard graft with a personal trainer have whipped the star into tip top shape.
She has toned up her lovely long limbs but maintained her luscious curves.

Yuk-Sandy McMillin Allegedly Kicked Out Of Walmart For Wearing A String Bikini

I’m sorry but I wouldn’t like to see that at Walmart if I was trying to shop either.

The Huffington Post

Walmart just lost what we imagine would have been a lifelong customer.

Sandy McMillin decided to take her bikini body to Eugene, Oregon's big box store to pick up some sour cream, chips and coffee creamer in 90-degree heat. And she told KVAL News that a Walmart employee approached her only several minutes into her shopping trip and gave her two options: put on a shirt or get out.

McMillin said, "I was horrified. I am embarrassed....It's wrong. If you don't like the way someone looks, don't look at them....I hadn't done anything obnoxious or outlandish."

More here

If she doesn’t want to shop there anymore, I say that’s great!

Sarah Palin: Congressional Freshmen – For Such A Time As This

Sarah Palin on Facebook

Out here in proverbial politico flyover country, we little folk are watching the debt ceiling debate with great interest and concern. Today I re-read the open letter I wrote to Republican Freshman Members of Congress in November 2010, just days after they were ushered into office in an historic landslide victory due in large part to the activism of commonsense patriots who are considered part of the Tea Party movement. I respectfully ask these GOP Freshman to re-read this letter and remember us “little people” who believed in them, donated to their campaigns, spent hours tirelessly volunteering for them, and trusted them with our votes. This new wave of public servants may recall that they were sent to D.C. for such a time as this.

The original letter is pasted below, with added emphasis to certain passages that I feel are especially relevant to the current discussion.

All my best to you, GOP Freshmen, from up here in the Last Frontier.


Sarah Palin

P.S. Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries

November 13, 2010

Welcome to all Republican Freshmen and congratulations!

Congratulations to all of you for your contribution to this historic election, and for the contributions I am certain you will make to our country in the next two years. Your victory was hard fought, and the success belongs entirely to you and the staff and volunteers who spent countless hours working for this chance to put government back on the side of the people. Now you will come to Washington to serve your nation and leave your mark on history by reining in government spending, preserving our freedoms at home, and restoring America’s leadership abroad. Some of you have asked for my thoughts on how best to proceed in the weeks and months ahead and how best to advance an agenda that can move our country forward. I have a simple answer: stick to the principles that propelled your campaigns. When you take your oath to support and defend our Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of your office, remember that present and future generations of “We the People” are counting on you to stand by that oath. Never forget the people who sent you to Washington. Never forget the trust they placed in you to do the right thing.

The task before you is daunting because so much damage has been done in the last two years, but I believe you have the chance to achieve great things.

Republicans campaigned on a promise to rein in out-of-control government spending and to repeal and replace the massive, burdensome, and unwanted health care law President Obama and the Democrat Congress passed earlier this year in defiance of the will of the majority of the American people. These are promises that you must keep. Obamacare is a job-killer, a regulatory nightmare, and an enormous unfunded mandate. The American people don’t want it and we can’t afford it. We ask, with all due respect, that you remember your job will be to work to replace this legislation with real reform that relies on free market principles and patient-centered policies. The first step is, of course, to defund Obamacare.

You’ve also got to be deadly serious about cutting the deficit. Despite what some would like us to believe, tax cuts didn’t get us into the mess we’re in. Government spending did. Tough decisions need to be made about reducing government spending. The longer we put them off, the worse it will get. We need to start by cutting non-essential spending.

That includes stopping earmarks (because abuse of the earmark process created the “gateway-drug” that allowed backroom deals and bloated budgets), canceling all further spending on the failed Stimulus program, and rolling back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels. You can do more, but this would be a good start.

In order to avert a fiscal disaster, we will also need to check the growth of spending on our entitlement programs. That will be a huge challenge, but it must be confronted head on. We must do it in a humane way that honors the government’s current commitments to our fellow Americans while also keeping faith with future generations. We cannot rob from our children and grandchildren’s tomorrow to pay for our unchecked spending today. Beyond that, we need to reform the way Congress conducts business in order to make it procedurally easier to cut spending than to increase it. We need to encourage zero-based budgeting practices in D.C. like the kind fiscally conservative mayors and governors utilize to balance their budgets and reduce unnecessary spending.

There in the insulated and isolated Beltway you will be far removed from the economic pain felt by so many Americans who are out of work. Please remember that if we want real job growth, we must create a stable investment climate by ending the tidal wave of overly burdensome regulations coming out of Washington. Businesses need certainty – and freedom that incentivizes competition – to grow and expand our workforce.

The last thing our small businesses need is tax hikes. It falls to the current Democrat-controlled Congress to decide on the future of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. If it does not permanently renew all of them, you should move quickly to do so in the new Congress. It would remove from households and businesses the threat of a possible $3.8 trillion tax hike hitting all Americans at the worst possible moment, with our economy struggling to recover from a deep recession! You must continue to remind Democrats that the people they are dismissing as “rich” are the small business owners who create up to 70% of all jobs in this country!

Another issue of vital importance is border security. Americans expect our leadership in Washington to act now to secure our borders. Don’t fall for the claims of those who suggest that we can’t secure our borders until we simultaneously deal with the illegal immigrants already here. Let’s deal with securing the border first. That alone is a huge challenge that has been ignored for far too long.

On foreign policy and national security, I urge you to stick to our principles: strong defense, free trade, nurturing allies, and steadfast opposition to America’s enemies. We are the most powerful country on earth and the world is better off because of it. Our president does not seem to understand this. If we withdraw from the world, the world will become a much more dangerous place. You must push President Obama to finish the job right in Iraq and get the job done in Afghanistan, otherwise we who are war-weary will forever question why America’s finest are sent overseas to make the ultimate sacrifice with no clear commitment to victory from those who send them. You should be prepared to stand with the President against Iran’s nuclear aspirations using whatever means necessary to ensure the mullahs in Tehran do not get their hands on nuclear weapons. And you can stand with the Iranian people who oppose the tyrannical rule of the clerics and concretely support their efforts to win their freedom – even if the President does not.

You need to say no to cutting the necessities in our defense budget when we are engaged in two wars and face so many threats – from Islamic extremists to a nuclear Iran to a rising China. As Ronald Reagan said, “We will always be prepared, so we may always be free.” You will also have the opportunity to push job-creating free trade agreements with allies like Colombia and South Korea. You can stand with allies like Israel, not criticize them. You can let the President know what you believe – Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, not a settlement. And for those of you joining the United States Senate, don’t listen to desperate politically-motivated arguments about the need for hasty consideration of the “New START” treaty. Insist on your right to patient and careful deliberation of New START to address very real concerns about verification, missile defense, and modernization of our nuclear infrastructure. No New START in the lame duck!

You can stand against misguided proposals to try dangerous, evil terrorists in the US; precipitously close the Guantanamo prison; and a return to the failed policies of the past in treating the war on terror as a law enforcement problem. Finally, you have a platform to express the support of the American people for all those around the world seeking their freedom that God has bestowed within all mankind’s being – from Burma and Egypt to Russia and Venezuela – because the spread of liberty increases our own security. You, freshmen lawmakers, can and will be powerful voices in support of foreign policies that protect our interests and promote our values! Thank you for being willing to fight for our values and our freedom!

In all this, you should extend a hand to President Obama and Democrats in Congress. After this election, they may finally be prepared to work with Republicans on some of these issues for the good of the country. And if not, we will all be looking forward to 2012.

Remember that some in the media will love you when you stray from the time-tested truths that built America into the most exceptional nation on earth. When the Left in the media pat you on the back, quickly reassess where you are and readjust, for the liberals’ praise is a warning bell you must heed. Trust me on that.

I and most Americans are so excited for you. Working together, we have every right to be optimistic about our future. We can be hopeful because real hope lies in the ingenuity, generosity, and boundless courage of the everyday Americans who make our country exceptional. These are the men and women who sent you to Washington. May your work and leadership honor their faith in you.

With sincere congratulations and a big Alaskan heart,

Sarah Palin

So called pregnant Man Thomas Beatie Sheds Baby Weight, Shows Off New Bod

Meme to those who don’t know any better: If one’s internal organs consists a uterus and fallopian tubes, that person is a woman.

This freak show that goes by the name of Thomas Beatie, IS A WOMAN!

Case closed!


Yeah, we get jealous when we see the Madonnas and the Victoria Beckhams and the Jessica Albas of the world go from pregnant back to size 0 in what seems like a matter of hours.Now we have
Thomas Beatie to add to our list. So, no Beatie isn't a super star celebrity, but the transgender man has made headlines for giving birth to three children.

And, now, the New York Daily News reports, he's gotten himself in post-baby shape that would even make Madge envious.The Oregonian, 37, known in the press as Pregnant Man, has traded his baby weight for ripped abs, according to the newspaper, and E! reports it was done through a combination of diet, exercise and testosterone doses.

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BATMAN ART - Comic Book Cover Done in Stained Glass

A Friend shared this link with me the other day where it shows an Artist's work that is completely amazing. This guy has recreated a bunch of Vintage Comic Book Covers in Stained Glass. The effect is pretty cool! His name is Brandon Barker & here is his tribute to Detective Comics #31, which first appeared in 1939 & is a total classic. I mean, it's actually an icon! The story of this book was titled "Batman Verses The Vampire ( Part 1 )" & was the 1st introduction of the "Mad Monk" Villain Character. To check out other work by this Glass Artist just click HERE!

Billy's BATMAN LIVE WORLD ARENA TOUR Adventure in the UK

Last week, in the UK, the BATMAN LIVE World Arena Tour had started & ever since then we have got a ton of personal reports. The good news, all the reviews are really positive. I've been keeping up with this show from the beginning & have been kinda skeptical. I mean, they were either going to make this show amazing or it would totally bomb. Luckily, it's a great event, whew! Here are a few photos sent in by our friend Billy, who is lucky enough to live in the UK. He said the show was totally great! Now, at the show he only had a camera phone but he did manage to get a few nice pics.

In the 1st one we get a really good look at the costumes for Batman and Robin, nice. Next, is a scene where a HUGE Joker Hot Air Balloon appears on stage! Then, the last 2 show the giant-sized bat-shaped video screen. I've heard that this is used to great effect for making transitions to other locations. Plus, it gave the show a great visual effect, like seeing tons of Bats flying across Gotham City or the Batmobile driving through the city. Oh yeah, in the last photo you can see a photo of our friend Billy. Yes, photographic proof that he was there, ha!

Founder Noel Biderman of adultery website Ashley Madison guarantees sex or your money back. as he renews his wedding vows

This guys has balls the size of an 18 wheeler!

I’m all for capitalism, but Jesus said, “Whoa to those who lead others to sin!”

That’s pretty clear warning for a business that promotes and profits from adultery.

It’s a very treacherous path to walk on!

Daily Mail

It has to be the ultimate money back guarantee - the promise of a successful extra-marital affair, or your money back.

And that is exactly what infidelity website is offering punters, as long as they follow the on-line dating guidelines.

The news comes as the controversial
site's founder Noel Biderman renewed his vows in Australia.

The website, whose slogan 'Life is short. Have an affair', has attracted criticism from religious and family groups since it was founded in 2001.

But despite the intense criticism, the site has a world-wide membership of over eight million cheaters.

Speaking to the Australian Herald Sun, Mr Biderman contended that affairs, just like marriages, had to be worked on.

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Adultery Website Founder Promises Sex or Money Back ... While Renewing His Wedding Vows :

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tea Party Leader: ‘John Boehner Has To Go’

Getting rid of John Boehner as SOTH and replace him with a conservative with guts, would be the best thing for the GOP. We need fighters, damn it!

I say kick Boehner to the curb!

The Blaze

Speaker of the House John Boehner needs “to go” and be replaced by a “Tea Party Speaker of the House,” Tea Party Nation head Judson Phillips said in a
blog post Wednesday.

Criticizing Boehner’s new debt plan that the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday came up short in spending cuts, Phillips said Boehner (R-Ohio) “has no real interest in solving the problems this country faces. … He worships at the altar of massive spending.”

Facing an Aug. 2 deadline of a possible default unless a deal can be reached, he added: “John Boehner simply wishes to be the manager in chief of the welfare state. His vision of the GOP and the Speakership involves golfing, drinking and not rocking the boat.”

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G.D. Spradlin, Prolific Character Actor, Dies at 90

G.D. was a top notch character that usually played the heavy oh so well.

New York Times

G. D. Spradlin, whose experience as a corporate lawyer, independent oilman and rancher influenced his nuanced portrayals of authority figures in more than 70 films and television shows, including “The Godfather: Part II” and “Apocalypse Now,” died on Sunday at his cattle ranch in San Luis Obispo, Calif. He was 90.

His grandson Justin Demko confirmed the death.
Over a 30-year career, Mr. Spradlin became one of Hollywood’s most prolific character actors, using his dignified bearing to portray forceful characters like presidents, senators, preachers, doctors, military officers, athletic coaches, a sheriff, a police chief, a chief executive and a newspaper editor.

In “The Godfather: Part II” (1974) he played Pat Geary, the corrupt United States senator who defies the Mafia boss Michael Corleone, played by Al Pacino, telling Corleone he intends to “squeeze” him. As punishment, Geary later wakes up to find himself drenched in a dead prostitute’s blood.

Five years later, in “Apocalypse Now,” Mr. Spradlin played the Army general who sends Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) into the jungle to find and kill Marlon Brando’s Colonel Kurtz.

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Here G.D. plays the head coach in North Dallas Forty

Wild Video Ohio Cop Suspended After Cursing Out A Card-Carrying Gun Holder

I don’t see what this cop did wrong. But, anything that involves the police, the default position for Liberals is that the cop is always wrong.

This cop did his job!

The Huffington Post

A Canton, Ohio, police officer remains on administrative leave this week as video of the officer yelling, cursing and threatening a citizen during a routine traffic stop goes viral online.

"The video shows, frankly, a bad cop combined with bad law," Doug Deeken, a coordinator for the organization
Ohioans for Concealed Carry, told The Huffington Post.

The controversy centers on a
dash cam video that was obtained by OCC through a public records request. The video, which is about 18 minutes long, shows patrolman Daniel Harless, 45, berating William E. Bartlett, 52, of Brewster.

The incident began at 1:38 a.m. on June 8, when Harless and his partner, patrolman Mark Diels, spotted Bartlett's car stopped on Newton Avenue in northwest Canton.

The area is reportedly a hotbed for prostitution and drug trafficking. The patrolman pulled up behind the vehicle to question Bartlett, an individual who was in his backseat and a woman who was standing outside the car.

After questioning the woman and the passenger, Harless approached Bartlett, who was still behind the wheel.

"I have a carry...," Bartlett can be heard saying before he is cut off and ordered out of the vehicle. Bartlett can be seen holding a card in his hand. When asked what it is for, he replied, "Because I have a concealed carry."
After taking Bartlett's .38-caliber Ruger pistol, Harless placed him into the back of the patrol car and began yelling at him for not notifying him he was armed.

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There’s no there, there!

Carlos Beltran traded to San Fran Giants for RHP Zach Wheeler

Carlos Beltran was my favorite on the Mets. But, it was time for him to go and re-tool the team.

As a player for the Mets, I’ll miss his smooth style of play. He should be a great addition to the defending World Champions, San Francisco Giants.

Who knows?

Maybe Carlos can get a ring himself too?

New York Post

The Mets have agreed to trade Carlos Beltran and cash to the Giants for one of the best pitching prospects in the majors, right-hander Zack Wheeler, multiple sources confirmed to The Post on Wednesday.
Because Beltran is a 10-and-5 player (10 years of service, five in a row with his current team), there is a 24-hour grace period that must be observed, though Beltran previously made it clear he would accept a trade to the Giants.

It is conceivable an issue could crop up that would kill the deal. But officials involved in the process felt that only minor details needed to be finalized and that all the heavy lifting was done.

Manager Terry Collins said he’s been told not to use Beltran on Wednesday night against the Reds. Collins said expects something to be done by Thursday, according to The Associated Press.
Wheeler, 21, was the No. 6 pick in the 2009 draft and is ranked the 35th best prospect by Baseball America. In 13 starts this year, Wheeler is 7-5 with a 3.99 ERA.

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Here who the Mets get, Zach Wheeler

I like the way this kid looks.

BATMAN WALLPAPERS OF THE JOKER - Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday!

Here are 2 Cool Wallpaper Backgrounds of THE JOKER that were submitted by some extremely awesome Bat-Blog Fans! the 1st one is a photo taken the other night at the BATMAN LIVE event in the UK. It was shot by our friend Billy. This is a stage prop where a giant-size JOKER HEAD comes out on stage. The Joker's eyeballs, teeth, & tongue are actually real people and they all tumble out at once, it's a pretty cool visual effect! Next is a Tribute to Brian Bolland's BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Graphic Novel. This was sent in by a Graphic Artist named Chris Bacon. He took some classic artwork and gave it a whole new look. Thanks Guys, Great Job! Now, be sure to check out our other Batman Wallpapers by clicking the button down below.

CLICK HERE For More FREE Batman Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds of The JOKER!