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I was feeling kinda lazy this morning plus I gotta go help my Mom move out of her apartment, whoopee! ( Sounds like alotta fun huh?! ). So I don't have much time to write so I though I would give the 'ole BAT-BLOG Readers 2, yes you heard right, TWO WALLPAPERS to decorate their PC desktops! The 1st image is graphics from a new fan-made T-Shirt done to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the 1966 TV Show. I just got one of these shirts & they are very high quality & very well done. This image up above of BAT-FAN is on the back & it's really large, plus the graphics are sharp. On the front they put a replica of the bat-logo that Adam West had on his TV uniform....sort of a yellow-black circle-oval, nice! If ya want to get one of these just check out eBay. The 2nd is a very nice pin-up of Batgirl! I like it because she looks kind of "realistic" looking, like a real person wearing a real costume. Enjoy. ( Click The Small Pics For Larger Wallpaper-Sized photos ).
This week I kinda focused on creating NEW Link Buttons. Some would say I went a little crazy with it, ha ha! But I like webpages with alot of good content & LINKS is one way of doing it. I hope you check out a few because I've tried to only post the best! One NEW button is called GOLDEN AGE BATMAN & it's a webpage really worth checking out. It features the history of Batman Comic Book Covers. The interface is easy to use & there's a ton of information! Pictured above are 2 very classic covers from the site: Detective Comics # 27 ( May 1939 ), which was the VERY FIRST Appearance of Batman, & then the 1st Issue of Batman. Both of these 2 comics are national treasures for sure! I've included a LINK BUTTON to see it that you can find in "My Links". That is on the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of my BLOG near the TOP! Please be sure to BOOKMARK my page before ya go & always remember to check out my archives section for about 100 more postings of information! The archives are located on the right-hand side too, just below the link buttons. ( Click on the Small Pictures Above For Larger Photo ).
Here's a wacky picture sent in by a loyal BAT-BLOG reader named Neal. I like it alot, it's very surreal! If anyone has any photos they would like to share please send them in to BatBlog! Thanx Again Neal.
For those not familuar with STEVE RUDE he's a really great artist & illustrator who's worked on many projects in the comic book industry. My personal favorite was when he drew the RARE comic book adapation of SPACE GHOST. Not the stupid "talk show" version but the original 1960's Classic TV Cartoon. That comic is a real treasure & you should seek it out at your friendly neighborhood comic book shop! He has a very distinct style. Lately he's been selling his artwork on eBay, of all places! Pictured above is a painting he recently sold & I'm sure he's gonna be offering more items soon so be sure to keep an eye out.
I try to bring fun & helpful LINK Buttons to this Blog so the other day I added the MEGO MUSEUM! This is an awesome webpage for any Batman Fan or Vintage Toy Collector! Basically it's all about the Mego Action Figure Dolls & Accessories that were popular in the 1970's. It's loaded with great photos & information! You can find my LINK Buttons on the top right-hand side of this BLOG! But, before you leave, please remember to BOOKMARK THIS SITE!

Since it's Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday here at BATBLOG I thought I would be a super-nice guy & give y'all not one, but TWO WALLPAPERS! Ha Ha! BAT-BLOG knows how to take care of it's readers! The 1st one is an image taken from a Super-RARE Vintage Batman Terrycloth Baby Bib © 1966! The second one is a large diorama photograph made with DC Direct Action Figures of Batman, Robin, Batgirl & The Huntress. I really like these versions of the characters they did, very nice figures, Enjoy! If you wanna see more Batman Wallpaper then check out the BATBLOG WALLPAPER PAGE Link Button on the top right-hand side of the Bat-Blog!
( Click The Small Pics For Larger Wallpaper-Sized photos ).
Here's a really cool photo of a Vintage 1940's Batman Comic Strip's Original Art. It mainly features the Joker & is from March 27, 1944. ( Click The Smaller Pic To See a Larger Photo ).
Here's a beautiful set of photos of an original Batmobile Corgi Car from the 1960's. For more information about restoring these cars be sure to check out my LINK BUTTONS for one called ALLBATMAN_COM.
Here's a special trailer for the 4th Season of THE BATMAN that is making me get sort of excited about seeing this show. It starts out with just some rough draft pictures but builds up to bring complete animation, neat effect.

I saw this on the net the other day & for some dumb reason it cracked me up!! This is a brand-new item out, a Batman Bicycle! I'm gonna try to find one of these while I'm out hitting garage sales, hee hee! It looks like it's made for a small child, maybe age 5 or something.....looks kinda cute though, ahhhh! You'll always fins funny picture & a weird sense of humor at BAT-BLOG!
Does anyone else remember these great Hostess Cupcake Ads from the comic books of the 1970's & 80's?? These used to crack me up the way they "tricked you" into reading the ad....they usually had some nice artwork & a funny story but at the end they sales-pitched Hostess Snacks, funny!( Click the Small Picture for Larger Photo ).
A while back I was surfing the net & by accident I found a really cool webpage that was all about restoring vintage pedal cars. Now with my toy collection all over the place I have NO room to collect these ( they take alot of space ) but I really love them for their craftsmanship & nostalgic appeal. I prefer the ones that are all original but they had a page that was all about ones that were customized. Well, to my surprise, I found this one ( see above pic ) that somebody made to look just like the version of the 1940's Batmobile! WOW! They never really made these in production or for sale & this was sort of a fantasy "dream concept" one....great idea! I love the style of the car with the "fat fenders" & the Batman HEAD on the front is just like the classic comic books....way cool! Anyways, I hope you other bat-fans find this pic as interesting as I do, check it out.
For as long as I can remember I have been a really big fan of both the humor & artwork of Fred Hembeck! Those of you not familuar with his work should check it out. He did alot of work for both Marvel & DC Comics. Usually it was "filler space" & one of his comic strips would appear on a page or two. Sometimes he did a whole page story. He's even done a few comic books on his own & is a highly sought after commercial artist. Plus he's loved by alot of comic geeks ( I mean GEEK in a good way, hee hee ). Once you learn what his art looks like you will always recognize it later. It's sort of simple in a minimal kinda way & very "cartoony" but the accurate details to the character he's drawing is really awesome! If you're familuar with comic book heroes then you recognize that character right away! Recently he's been selling his artwork on eBay, what he calls his "cover recreations". These are full-size pen & ink drawings of classic comic book covers in his "cartoony" style ....they're really great! If I wasn't so poor I would buy one or maybe even commission him to do a piece of art! I love his stuff. He also has a nice webpage worth checkin' out. I've included a LINK BUTTON to his website on the top/right-hand side of my BLOG. While there be sure to read his BLOG called "Fred Sez"....funny!
I just realized I didn't obey my rule about BAT-BLOG's WALLPAPER WEDNESDAY! Every Wednesday you can come here for a new Batman Desktop Wallpaper! If ya look in the BATBLOG ARCHIVES you will find past postings where there is a HUGE variety of wallpapers so please be sure to check that out too! BATBLOG also has a Batman Wallpaper Page, the LINK BUTTON is on the top-right-hand side of the Bat-Blog! ( Click Small Photo for Large Picture! )
This week I kinda focused on creating NEW Link Buttons. Some would say I went a little crazy with it, ha ha! But I like webpages with alot of good content & LINKS is one small way of doing it. I hope you check out a few because I've tried to only post the best! One NEW button is called BAT MUSIC & it's a webpage really worth checking out. It features the history of Batman-Related LP Records & Music. The graphic interface is easy to use & there's a ton of information! I also like the graphics plus there's alot of photos of Batman Records that even I didn't know existed, you can read this page for hours! I've included a LINK BUTTON to see it that you can find in "My Links". That is on the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of my BLOG near the TOP!
OK, Here's a famous B&W publicity photo of Adam West's Batman with some children in 1966. With photoshop I imposed the faces of my 2 favorite nephews, Jordan & Will! My sister shows this BATBLOG to them every now & then so I wanna surprise them, ha ha!
At some point in our lives we have all tied a blue towel around our necks & ran down the street yelling, "I'm Batman!". Admit it, you're guilty, ha ha!
Here's an incredible BATMAN : NEW TIMES Movie made by some students at the School of Digital Animation & Visual Effects. It's really very high-quality & pretty long too! Basically, it's a CGI film done with Lego Toys. Not only are the characters Lego Pieces but all the buildings, vehicles, you're in a world made from Legos!! Also, they got some movie star talent to supply the voices : Adam West as Batman / Bruce Wayne, Mark Hamill as Joker, Courtney Thorne-Smith as Catwoman / Selina Kyle, & Dick Van Dyke as Commissioner Gordon!!! I've included a LINK BUTTON to see it that you can find in "My Links". That is on the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of my BLOG near the TOP!
This week's Batman-Related image for PC wallpaper is a painting I did a few years ago of the Joker. I got the graphics from a 1966 Batman Game Card. The POP ART style painting was done with acrylic. Also, it was vertical & not horizonal like this wallpaper but I modified it here to fit the screen, enjoy! If you wanna see more Batman Wallpaper then check out the BATBLOG WALLPAPER PAGE Link Button on the top right-hand side of the Bat-Blog!( As Always, Click The Small Photo for Larger Picture ).

HOLY HOLLYWOOD, BATMAN! Here's a link to this new Batman Fan-Made Film titled "STAR TREK VS BATMAN". I wrote about this film in a previous post but just wanted to promote it again ( Remember to check my archives for many more articles & photos ). Check it out, It features "Captain Kirk, Spock, & a few other USS Enterprise members" from the Classic 1960's Star Trek TV Show. It also has 1966 versions of "Batman, Robin, Joker, & Catwoman" too! The soundtrack & sound effects are great. The way it's edited it's just like the TV shows if they were blended together.....very cool! I've included a LINK BUTTON to see it that you can find in "My Links". That is on the RIGHT-HAND SIDE of my BLOG near the TOP!
In a previous posting I mentioned these Neal Adams Books of his artwork because I did a small article on one of his Batman Paintings ( Check out my archives for more info ). Well, here are the books I was tellin' ya about, I really really want these! So far there are 3 Volumes & these babies are BIG & THICK. I checked Amazon today ( Sept 14th ) & they're on sale! The original price was $49.95 but now they're $33.00. So all three can be had for about $100 & that's better than paying $150, right?! At the moment I'm kinda broke so as soon as I get back on my feet I plan to buy at least the 1st Volume. Also, Neal Adams sells these on his official webpage SIGNED but I forgot how much those were. I think he even has some copies where he draws some Batman art on the 1st page AND signs it! Droooool!

OK, I love Batman ( Duhhhh ) & I also love The Simpsons! So, I thought I would post these 2 funny pictures I found the other day! One is an opening "couch scene" from the Simpsons where the family all lands on the couch in Batman & Robin Costumes, Classic! The second one is an original painting by an unknown artist where Marge & Batman are getting married! The artwork on that is awesome! He, or she, did a really great job. Not sure of the medium but I'm guessing acrylic.....very nice.
In a previous post, that is now archived ( Humor ), I showed a photo of this very funny junk-metal BATMAN yard art. I love this! It's the DARK KNIGHT himself! Now all this guy needs to do is make a Robin or even better, a JOKER! Yes, a Joker would be great! But not the movie version, more like the comic book. I really want to have this Batman figure for my back yard & I don't even have a garden, ha ha. In that earlier post I asked if anyone had some other pictures of this wonderful masterpiece & if they did to please send them. Wow, the next day begins & a sweet lady sent these 2 NEW photos of the BATMAN sculpture!! I love this thing, Thanx Mary! ( Click the Small Picture To See Large Photo ).

I just realized I haven't done any PC wallpapers in awhile so I decided to make today WALLPAPER WEDNESDAY! Every Wednesday you can come to BAT-BLOG for a new Batman Desktop Wallpaper! If ya look in my BATBLOG ARCHIVES you will find past postings where there is a large variety of wallpapers so please be sure to check that out too! Since most of my posts this week has been about the 1966 TV Show I thought I would shake things up a little with TWO images that are from the Animated Series, because I love those cartoons! If you wanna see more Batman Wallpaper then check out the BATBLOG WALLPAPER PAGE Link Button on the top right-hand side of the Bat-Blog!( Click Small Photo for Large Picture! )
This is a wacky photo sent in by a loyal BAT-BLOG reader who enjoys the humor photos I post. He said, "I think this is the funniest Bat-Picture I have ever seen!"...Well Jim, I have to agree! I love the BATMAN SYMBOL on the cart of the hotdog logo! I bet he even has a DVD player playing the Batman Theme Song in the background too, ya know to attract customers, ha ha. Thanx for sending it.

Included in this post are 2 pictures that will make any toy collector drool! This is the SUPER-MEGA-RARE 1966 Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Cereal Box with the advertising on the back for the 60s Batman Stampets Printing Playset! And what's that price of 25 cents about?! Was it only 25 cents?!! The other picture is another photo I found along time ago that is taken from the B&W TV Commercial for the cereal box that had the BATMAN PERISCOPE premium, another great advertising mail-away item! I hope you enjoyed these photos & if you have any Vintage Batman-Related Cereal Items then please send a pic! ( Click on the Tony Tiger Box for a Way Bigger Photo! )