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I'm not sure what town this is from but it looks like one of those kind of city contests where each community gets a statue to paint & these people decided to make theirs Batman! Either way it's a great choice & very nicely painted.
Here's a recent photo circulating on the net & it really cracks me up. I don't think he's too happy being all dressed-up, hee hee. Whoever made the outfit did a great job!
This is a very sharp photo of a classic 1972 tin toy of the Batmobile. I think it makes great wallpaper! I'll post a new Batman Wallpaper each week so be sure to BOOKMARK THIS PAGE & check back often.( Click on the small picture to enlarge ).
Here's a set of NEW Captain Action "Repo" figures with customized costumes of the 1966 TV Show. They kinda look like Adam West & Burt Ward, don't ya think?? Whoever made these did a really great job....good work!
Here's an extremely RARE Mexican Store Display Card featuring very cool 1960's Batman Toy Watches...drooool! I really love store displays & will be featuring some new photos in the future. I recently got a Batman BAND-AID Display Stand with awesome graphics.....that's for later, so check back!

Here's 2 really funny photos featuring a snowman of Batman in his car & another one of him getting gas for the Batmobile, ha ha!
Here's a cool vintage 60's photo sent in by a reader. Thanx Jimmy! I love the birthday cake, great graphics! If other readers have cool birthday pix then please send them.
Here's a recent RARE find! This is a large plush doll made by the Common Wealth Doll Co ©1966. I have always wanted one of these & was really happy with finding it. They also made one of Robin which is extremely rare. He measures about 17" tall.

Included in this post are 2 favorite "costume photos" I have. One is a cute little girl who's mom made a wonderful Batgirl costume, it's awesome! I like the detailing....very nice. The other photo is the kid of a friend of mine. His name is Joe & he loves Batman. His mother told me that when he 1st got this costume that he practically lived in it. The 1st night he had it he slept in it....ha ha. The red electric car seen in the photo is his official Batmobile, ya gotta love that!
Here's a wonderful photo sent to me of some serious Bat-Fans from May 1966. I love the black & white grainy look of it, awesome! If anyone else out there has some personal photos like this then please send them.

This weeks Bat-Wallpaper features photos from the new BATMAN BEGINS movie. I can't tell you how relieved I was that this was such a great movie, I mean, when I saw that early trailer & got a look at that dune-buggy Batmobile I was really worried. But I did think Christian Bale was a good choice & in the end the Batmobile was awesome! It kinda made sense that it would be sort-of "homemade" looking. So far they plan at least 2 more movies & the Joker is set for the next film. Let's keep our fingers crossed that they don't get a director obsessed with bat-nipples, hee hee. ( Click on Photos To Enlarge )

Here are two examples of some really well-drawn & very cool artwork by Steve Stanley. The black & white picture is a pastel drawing of the characters from the Classic 1966 TV Show, very nice! My favorite is titled "Atomic Batteries To Power...". At first it appears to be a photograph but at closer inspection it's a drawing, WOW! Here's a link to his webpage, be sure to check it out :
We all remember being a little kid & tying a towel around our necks to be Batman, hee hee. So, about once a week I'll post a wacky picture found on the internet of somebody all dressed up. I think it's funny to see adults dressed up & the little kids are very sweet....future Batman Collectors!
I found these pictures about a week ago on the internet. Some guy in France built this Custom "Actual-Working, Real Car " Batmobile & it looks exactly like the Animated Series Cartoon Version....SWEET! I think he did an incredible job & the detailing is very very nice. I would love to drive this around on a Saturday night, all dressed up in a Batman costume, hee hee. My nephews ( ages 4 & 8 ) would totally freak-out! I wish I had a link to the actual webpage but all he had were these 3 pictures & really no other information. I'm curious if it's legal to drive & how much this thing actually cost!
About once a week I'll be posting a cool Batman Wallpaper you can use to decorate your desktop, enjoy! So, be sure to check back often. ( Click on Photo To Enlarge! )
Every now & then I'll post a funny photo or picture related to Batman, just for fun!
In all my years of obsessively scouring eBay for rare & unusual Batman Items this has got to be it! This auction was a few months ago & I was very excited to find this piece & was watching it everyday. This is the Super Mega-Rare ELASTIC BATMAN by Mego! I think it started at $9.99, ha ha. It ended at $15,100!! Yes, you read that right, 15 Thousand 1 Hundred! Unfortunely it went a little bit outta my price range, hee hee.