Sunday, August 14, 2011

BUMPED-Exclusive: Obama calls Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton to secret WH meeting on how to deal with the Perry Problem

The Last Tradition has obtained a transcript of a top secret meeting between President Obama, Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton on how to handle Texas Gov Rick Perry entrance to the GOP run for president.

President Obama: God damn it, Chris! You told me Perry wasn’t going to run.

Chris Matthews: I tried to tell you Mr. President. But, you don’t answer your cell while you’re playing golf.

President Obama: Oh, so you think I play too much golf too?

Matthews: I didn’t say that Mr. President. My, that’s a very sharp crease you have in your pants, Mr. President.

Obama: What are you David Brooks now? Let’s focus Chris. What are we gonna do about Perry. This guy can kick my ass!

Al Sharpton: Mr. President?

Obama: Al? Don’t you see I’m talking to Chris right now?

Sharpton: Yeah, but….

Obama: Shut up, Al. I’ll get to you in a minute. What do we do, Chris?

Matthews: Let’s see, what can we do? Oh, I got it. I’ll call him crazy on my show.

Obama: Crazy huh?

Matthews: That’s it, Mr. President. I’ll call him crazy on my show, and Al can call him a racist on his show.

Obama: Hmm. Crazy and a racist?

Sharpton: But, Mr. Preesident?

Obama: Al? I’m still talking to Chris remember?

Matthews: I think that’s a winner Mr. President.

Obama: That sounds good, Chris. Maybe you can throw in some Confederate flag stuff. That always works on the Negros.

Sharpton: Negros? Mr. President! You’re black.

Obama: That’s for the campaign trail. I’m half white God dam it

Michelle Obama: It’s time for your 5th prayer of the day.

Obama: Oh, that’s right. Where’s my prayer rug?

Mrs. Obama: Where you always leave it, next to the statue of Mao Tse-tung.

Obama: Oh thanks, Honey. Okay that settles it. Chris, you get on MSNBC and call Perry crazy till the cows come home. And Al, call him a racist. That should be simple enough for you to understand because that’s all you do anyway.

Sharpton: Yes, Mr. President

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Plenty of sexy ladies in bikinis-UK breaks world record for largest group shower 152

This is one place where you don’t mind dropping the soap!

Daily Mail

They're wet and just wild about breaking the world record for the largest number of people ever to shower together.

Temperatures soared as 152 people - many girls in bikinis - washed their way into the record books on Bournemouth beach. They lathered up under a giant six-metre shower structure.

The bid organised by Lynx beat the previous record set in America two years ago when 145 people showered together in Illinois.

More pics here

Video (h/t) The Sun

Obama approval below 40% for 1st time. Hello Jimmy Carter 2.0

Do you think Obama will ever get it through his thick skull that Americans aren’t buying his class warfare drivel?

Nah, don’t hold your breath. What else is he gonna say?

The man is a radical Leftist who wants to take money away from people who work and give to people who don’t work like this woman.

This is who Obama is and the American people are soundly rejecting his philosophy.

Los Angeles Times

President Obama's summer woes have dragged his approval rating to an all-time low, sinking below 40% for the first time in Gallup's daily tracking poll.New data posted Sunday shows that 39% of Americans approve of Obama's job performance, while 54% disapprove.

Both are the worst numbers of his presidency.Obama's approval rating has hovered in the 40% range for much of 2011, peaking at 53% in the weeks following the death of Osama bin Laden.

But Americans' view of his job performance continued to tick downward as the debt-ceiling debate heated up. By the time he signed legislation averting a federal default, he was mired in the low-40% range.

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Tim Pawlenty, Out of GOP race. Don’t let the door hit your butt, Tim!

When Pawlenty first announced, I yawned and asked to be awaken when something interesting happened.

Now that he quits after a poor showing at the Iowa Straw Poll, my lack of excitement was justified.

Let’s face it. Tim is probably a nice guy, but he put my feet to sleep. He had no shot at getting the GOP nod. So let’s move on to more compelling candidates.

ABC News

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is
dropping out of the Republican presidential contest, after a disappointing third-place finish in the Iowa Straw Poll Saturday.

"We needed to get some lift to continue on and have a pathway forward," Pawlenty said this morning in an exclusive interview on "This Week." "That didn't happen, so I'm announcing this morning on your show that I'm going to be ending my campaign for president.

"I'm very, very grateful for the people of Iowa," Pawlenty added. "I wish it would have been different, but obviously the pathway forward for me doesn't really exist, so we're going to end the campaign."

More here

Yawn to the tenth degree!


Feminists upset at Lingerie Basketball League played in Los Angeles because they’re not pretty enough to play

I totally believe in the Rush Limbaugh School of defining Feminism as a movement to give ugly woman a seat at the table.

Having said that, the Nags (feminists) are beside themselves over LBL (Lingerie Basketball League) that began play in L.A. I think it’s a good idea if they want to attract male fans to the sport.

Let’s face it, does anybody give a rip about the WNBA except Lesbians?

Daily Mail

Dressed in skimpy neon outfits, these are the scantily-clad female players being used to draw more interest to women's basketball.

Teams playing in the Lingerie Basketball League have to strip to their bras and panties for the games, which are proving popular with male fans. Four teams – the Beauties, Divas, Glam and Starlets – compete each week in the games being played in LA.

But the revealing matches have been criticised for setting back women's sports. Sports publicist Angie Meyer defended the lingerie league and said it is a serious contest.

“On paper, it looks and sounds derogatory towards women,” she told Fox News. “However, when you sit down and watch the intense athleticism of these women, you learn the league is much more than a pretty powder-puff team.”

Tickets for the Friday night games, which are only open to over 18 year olds, cost between $20 and $40.

The scantily-dressed women are being used to bring a new crowd to the sport. “It does seem as though the popularity of a particular women's sport is often unfortunately tied to how attractive its stars are,' said Larry Tobin, former Vice President of Fox Sports Interactive. “Mostly though, women's sports suffer from the same problems that most of the non-big four men's sports do,' he told Fox News.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel struggles to contain her ample bikini assets

Daily Mail

Victoria's Secret Model Candice Swanepoel certainly cannot be accused of being shy about flaunting her body.

The curvy blonde adjusted her ample assets as they poured out of a neon green bikini top, yesterday on a beach in St Barts, the South of France, but struggled to contain them.

The top was paired with multi-coloured bikini bottoms as the 22-year-old South African beauty showed off her incredible figure in the tiny two piece.

Candice is in France shooting a new campaign for the lingerie giant, which will feature her in a series of different swimsuits.

She pulled off the obligatory model poses and appeared to be having fun with the shoot - messing about in the water and pretending to throw some seaweed for one humorous shot.

Candice looked tanned and toned in the swimwear, and appeared to have put the controversy she caused over her once-shockingly slim frame behind her.

More pics here

U.S. downgrade Bikini Saturday 8-13-11

In honor of the United States getting their credit downgraded for the 1st time in history thanks to the failed leadership of Barack Obama, these gals are for you to ease the embarrassment.

Sing it Bruce! Tell'em what's happening to America since Obama became president

Michele Bachmann wins Ames Straw Poll

The Ames Straw poll is a test of a candidate’s organizational skills to get voters to the polls.

As such, it’s a nice feather in the cap for Bachmann as she continues to make her mark as a heavy hitter in the field of GOP candidates.

The Huffington Post

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann emerged the winner in the widely-anticipated Ames Straw Poll in Iowa on Saturday.

The conservative congresswoman came out on top in the event with 4,823 votes. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul came in second place. Here's a breakdown of the results:

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.): 4,823 votes

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas): 4,671 votes

Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty: 2,293 votes

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.): 1,657 votes

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain: 1,456 votes

Texas Governor Rick Perry: 718 votes

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney: 567 votes

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: 385 votes

Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman: 69 votes

U.S. Rep Thad McCotter (R-Mich.): 35 votes

Romney, Gingrich and Huntsman didn't not actively campaign for support in the straw poll despite their names appearing on the ballot.

Perry, who announced his candidacy for president on Saturday, did not aggressively look to lock up votes in the event. His name did not appear on the ballot; however, write-in votes were allowed in the straw poll.

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Video Spotlight-Laura Black, powerful voice great talent

I recently stumbled on this video of singer Laura Black.

This girl has a powerful soulful voice and although the sound quality of the video is poor, her talent shines through.

To pick her music check Laura’s MySpace page here

BUMPED: Obama’s worst nightmare comes true! Rick Perry Enters G.O.P. Race for President

This is the big one!

Rick Perry entering the race for the GOP nomination makes an already formidable field of candidates that much stronger.

Whoever emerges the eventual winner will be the person to return the country back to sanity and away from the radical Liberal/Progressive agenda that has the country on the verge of bankruptcy.

I equate this to when a already good baseball gets that last piece of the puzzle and it improves the rest of the lineup overnight.

Romney, Backmann, Cain and the others all have to step up their games and that’s a very good thing.

New York Times

Rick Perry of Texas announced Saturday that he was running for president, declaring it was “time to get America working again” as he sought to offer the Republican Party a well-rounded candidate who appeals to fiscal conservatives and can also rally the evangelical base.

As many of his fellow candidates flooded Iowa over the weekend to woo voters at the Ames Straw Poll, Mr. Perry headed here to announce that he was seeking the nomination at the
RedState Gathering, an annual convention of conservative bloggers.

“I came to South Carolina because I will not sit back and accept the path that America is on, because a great country requires a better direction, because a renewed nation needs a new president,” he said.

“With the support of my family and unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I declare to you today as a candidate for president of the United States.”

And with that, Mr. Perry, 61, whose spectral presence has lingered over the Republican primary contest — he was even the topic of a question at Thursday night’s Republican debate in Iowa — officially became a candidate for the Republican nomination.

Mr. Perry’s entrance into an already crowded field is expected to reconfigure the dynamics of the race, offering Republicans a fiscal and social conservative who not only appeals to the party’s base but can also challenge Mitt Romney, who is leading in many polls, on jobs and the economy.

More here

I love Bachmann, Cain and Santorum. Perry though jumps to the top of my list. But like Sarah Palin said, “ABO Anybody but Obama!”


Panic at White House: Top Obama mouthpiece attacks Rick Perry before he announced running

There’s an old deodorant commercial that said, “Never let see you sweat!”

That’s exactly what the White House has done by dispatching David “I love Saul Alinsky” Axelrod to attack Texas Gov Rick Perry a day before he even announces. Can you see the beads of sweat on Obama’s face?

The smart move would have been not to react at all and treat Perry’s announcement as just another guy running for president. But, as is the case with the Obama presidency, it’s been Amateur Hour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue since January 20, 2008.


US President
Barack Obama's top reelection strategist charged Friday that Republican White House hopeful and Texas Governor Rick Perry had "very little to do" with his state's economic success.

"There's a specific reason that
Texas has done so well, and that's because the oil industry has done so well in the last few years, and the military has grown because of the challenges that we have had overseas," said David Axelrod.

"And so he's been the beneficiary of things that he had very little to do with," Axelrod told ABC television.

The preemptive strike came one day before
Perry, who succeeded George W. Bush in the Texas governor's mansion in 2000, was to formally launch his bid for the Republican nomination to take on Obama in the November 2012 elections.

Perry, campaigning for months in all but name, has been touting his home state's growth and jobs creation over the past decade at a time when the sour national economy and its 9.1 percent unemployment rate are voters' top worry.

"I am a pro-business governor. I will be a pro-business president,"
Perry told Time magazine in an interview released Thursday, highlighting his opposition to taxes and regulation.

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Rude Fag CNN reporter gets elbowed by 2 sexy blonde Bachmann staffers

If CNN is trying to spin this report as an embarrassing moment for the Bachmann campaign, then I feel it’s only fair to spin it another way.

Report-A rude reporter of questionable sexual orientation tried to bogart his way in front on Rep Michele Bachmann (R-Mn) who is seeking the GOP nomination for president.

Two extremely attractive blonde female staffers cleared a path for Bachmann and sent Mr. Rude CNN reporter almost flying into a pile of discarded Pork Chops on a stick.

The reporter said he didn’t need to go to the hospital.

If you wanna read the CNN version click here


Tennessee Music teacher Daniel Torroll caught having sex with doll outside school

“Sorry, I have ADD?”

This walking freak-show doesn’t belong near kids. Can you believe this guy?

Police in Spring Hill arrested a local music teacher Thursday morning after he was caught engaging in a sex act with a doll outside a local elementary school.

Officers were called to Allendale Elementary School on Prescott Way in Spring Hill amid reports of a white male with a duffle bag under a bridge on school property. The bridge provides access to the school from the main road.

Spring Hill police told Nashville's News 2 the responding officer witnessed the man, identified as 56-year-old Daniel Torroll, performing sex acts on a child-like doll police later discovered he'd cut holes into.

The officer reported the man was naked and in a location where he could be seen by people driving up to the school.

"I happened to be there I didn't know it was school property. I wouldn't be there if I knew it was school property," Torroll told Nashville's News 2.

According to Torroll, he suffers from an attention deficit disorder which he says affects his inability to resist certain sexual impulses, though none of which involve children.

"[Police] came here and looked [through my home]. There was nothing here. There was no child porn. I have two kids myself," he said.

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Nude pictures emerge of Lee Grace Dougherty Stripper turned bank robber notorious Dougherty gang

29-year-old Lee Grace Dougherty -- a sometime professional exotic dancer -- was approached by some friends who host poker games ... who asked if she would waitress at their events and pose nude for their promotional materials. Lee obliged ... and over the past 6 weeks, she posed for a series of VERY revealing pictures which give the term "photo spread" a whole new meaning.

One person connected to the photo shoots tells us Lee posed for some of the photos as recently as July 29, less than a week before the bank robbery. We're told Dougherty was not paid for the "modeling" work.

More pics here

Friday, August 12, 2011

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian take

The Sun

THE Kardashians make the earth mauve for fans - splashing around in matching purple bikinis.

Curvy Kim, 30, and sister Kourtney, 32, leapt hand-in-hand into the crystal-clear waters of exotic Bora Bora.

The giggling pair were filming the latest series of reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians with brother Rob, 24, and Kim's fiancé Kris Humphries, 26.

Chris Matthews doesn’t love Rick Perry: That means Perry is the right man to be president in 2012

Here’s the simple math concerning Chris Matthews or any other whacko Lib/Progressive host on MSNBC.

Whatever is the opposite opinion from what they argue, is 100% the right position for America. That’s why MNBC, although their ratings are around the same as CSPAN, is so instructive to watch if you want to learn how not to think.

You can tell in this video that Matthews is extremely afraid of Rick Perry kicking Barack Oabam out of the White House.

Matthews lives in a world of delusion where nothing makes sense other than their warped reality of a Utopian paradise as philosopher king.

Video (h/t) The Blaze

Video of incredible feat: Mike Laga Foul Ball: Cardinals Player Hit Ball Out Of Old Busch Stadium In 1986

1986 was the year my beleoved Mets won their last championship. I thought I watched every game that year that was on TV because I remember not having cable.

However, I don’t remember this incident at all. But, seeing is believing.

The Huffington Post

On Sept. 15, 1986, legend has it that Mike Laga of the St. Louis Cardinals crushed a foul ball out of the old Busch Stadium. Of course, as
The FYC pointed out in 2005, nobody remembers witnessing the titanic clout with their own eyes and there has never been any video evidence of the at-bat.. until now.

Thanks to
Joe Sports Fan, there is finally proof of Laga's extraordinary accomplishment.

The clip below is from a
New York Mets highlight tape and it not only shows Laga's incredible foul ball, but it also shows the fans giving him a standing ovation. Scroll down to watch the video.

The Mike Laga Foul Ball from on Vimeo.

BUMPED UPDATEDVideo: Michele Bachmann gets the better of Tim Pawlenty at Iowa GOP debate 8-11-11 Bachmann vs Pawlenty

These fireworks between Bachmann and Pawlenty shows that Bachmann is very strong debater. Pawlenty really looked weak in my opinion.

I think Bachmann did more than hold her own and she has more balls than John Beohner and Eric cantor combined.


Perhaps the most heated exchanges of tonight’s Fox News debate happened 20 minutes into the show, and, shockingly enough, it involved some sharp barbs from typically placid Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty. Moderator Chris Wallace, perhaps noting that Iowa was Pawlenty’s to lose to Rep. Michele Bachmann, turned the two against each other, resulting in an exchange where Rep. Bachmann called Pawlenty “a lot like President Obama,” only to have her “record of misstating and making false statements” thrown back at her.

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'Olympic Hopefu/Drunk' man pees pisses on 11-year-old girl on JetBlue flight

This outrageous!

If I was that little girl’s dad, I would’ve beat that drunk sober!

New York Post

It was plane madness.

Chaos erupted on JetBlue's red-eye flight from Portland, Ore., to JFK yesterday when a drunk allegedly urinated on a sleeping 11-year-old girl.

The youngster was traveling with her sister and dad, and had been left alone for a few minutes while the others used the lavatories.

Robert Vietze, 18, of South Warren Vt., stumbled from his seat five rows behind her and emptied his bladder, a witness said.

"I was drunk, and I did not realize I was pissing on her leg," the 6-foot-4, 195-pound Vietze said, according to law-enforcement sources. He later claimed to have consumed eight alcoholic beverages.

The girl's father caught Vietze midstream.

"I woke up to this man yelling and literally looking like he was about to punch this kid in the face," said the witness, who asked not to be identified.

"The father was screaming, 'F - - k that kid! I don't want him near my family!' " the passenger said.

Flight attendants separated the pair and removed Vietze to the back of the plane. They attempted to clean up the mess with liquid soap from the bathrooms, and helped to comfort the traumatized girl.

But the 5½-hour flight from hell was not over yet.

Roughly an hour before the plane landed, another passenger began to complain of chest pains, then vomited.

"Is anybody on this flight a nurse or a doctor?" the pilot said over the public-address system. "We have a medical emergency."

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

LeAnn Rimes models her toned tummy in yet ANOTHER bikini

Daily Mail

She seems to spend half her life on the beach.

So country singer and actress LeAnn Rimes is no stranger to wearing a bikini.

The 28-year-old star recently flaunted her incredibly toned and muscular physique in yet another minuscule two-piece as she enjoyed a vacation in Cabo, Mexico.

The singer's body, which her husband Eddie Cibrian recently described as 'perfect', has been the subject of much debate - with many people saying she is too thin.

However LeAnn continues to stand up for her body claiming she is healthy and takes good care of herself.

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Richard Forester (Robyn Gardner’s boyfriend-girl missing in Auraba) on Today Show , a pathetic example of a chump


Picture this.

Your girlfriend goes to Aruba with another man and you didn’t know about it. That’s bad enough.

Now you find out that your girlfriend is missing and possibly dead. A real man would fly out to Aruba get involved the search or do whatever he has to find his woman, right?

Not Richard Forester!

He goes on the Today Show wearing a suit, looking all spiffy and talks to Matt Lauer on national TV. The man has no realization that now the world knows that he’s a punk with his girlfriend screwing another guy at an exotic locale like Aruba. And even Matt Lauer incredulously has to say, “You seem to know Robyn so well. But, she was in Aruba with another man.”

Where the hell is this guy’s dignity or self respect?

He really has no clue that he the biggest chump in the world. This is what passing for American manhood today? We’re really in big trouble as a nation.

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Dougherty gang caught: Wounded and in chains: Stripper bank robber who came out guns blazing

These modern day Bonnie and Clydes finally meet justice.

Daily Mail

Shackled and in wheelchairs, the infamous Dougherty siblings were led by authorities to a waiting police vehicle hours after they were finally captured in a high-speed police chase and shoot-out on a Colorado highway.

Bank-robbing stripper Lee Grace Dougherty was shot in the leg during the dramatic final shoot-out while her two brothers Dylan and Ryan were injured in the 20-mile, 100mph crash.

The injured trio were then taken to Spanish Peak's Medical Center to be treated before being transferred in the hospital outfits to prison.

During the earlier chase, Lee-Grace, 29, got out of the gang's high-powered Subaru Impreza and started shooting at police with a handgun. Officers returned fire, hitting her in the leg.

Her brothers Ryan, 21, and Dylan, 26, fled in a different directions and were arrested a short time later. One brother was apprehended with the help of construction workers who tackled and subdued him.

All three were arrested after the pursuit and gunfight south of the town of Pueblo.

Police recovered two AK-47 assault rifles and a MAC-11 pistol at the crash site. At least one of the AK-47s were used in the rolling gun battle with police.

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said about the gang's capture: 'I'm proud to say we won. We continuously said that if these three fugitives wanted a battle with law enforcement, we would win that battle. And that's what happened today.'

More here

White House releases photo of Obama at ceremony for 31 soldiers killed in Afghanistan against the wishes of 19 families

President “Downgrade” Hussein Obama is sinking fast in the polls.

So in his desperation to look the slightest bit presidential, he release this photo all over the place.

The Huffington Post

A White House photographer was allowed to take and widely distribute a photo from the ceremony Tuesday for the return of the remains of 30 American troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash in Afghanistan despite the Pentagon's claim that any public depiction of the scene would violate the wishes of bereaved families.

News media coverage of the ceremony had been banned by the Pentagon over the objections of several news organizations.

Pentagon officials had said that because 19 of 30 of the American families of the dead had objected to media coverage of the remains coming off a plane at Dover Air Force Base, no images could be taken. In addition, the Pentagon rejected media requests to take photos that showed officials at the ceremony but did not depict caskets.

President Barack Obama attended the ceremony, called a "dignified transfer," for those killed in the worst single loss of the nearly 10-year war. An official White House photo of a saluting Obama was distributed to news media and published widely. It also was posted on the White House website as the "Photo of the Day." It showed Obama and other officials in silhouette and did not depict caskets.

Doug Wilson, head of public affairs at the Pentagon, said the department did not know the White House photographer was present and had no idea a photo of the event was being released until it became public. He said the photographers who routinely travel with the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were not allowed to go to the event, and no official Pentagon photos were taken or released.

More here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chris “Tingle up my leg” Matthews compares Obama to George W. Bush

It’s all falling apart for the Left when stalwarts like ultra Looney Chris Matthews starts comparing his boy Obama to the president he hates with a passion.

Video (h/t) Newsbusters

Matthews may neeed a straight jacket.

UK riots prove that Liberalism/Progressivism is always doomed to fail

The UK riots are the uprising of the entitlement class!

When you create a society based on government dependence, sooner or later it falls apart. These rioters already have free health care, lifetime employment benefits and still cannot be sustained.

This is the kind of damage the false promises of Liberalism/Progressivism brings. These rioters in essence are shattered people with no dignity because they have been told for years by Liberals that everything under the sun is a “right” and they should have it. Why work when the government can take care of you and the evil rich can foot the bill?

The UK is Liberalism incarnate and look how ugly it gets when the “do nothing” generation feels entitled to take what they want.

Conservatism teaches self reliance, self control, faith in God, and the freedom to become anything you want as long as you’re willing to work for it and pay the price. It’s the philosophy of our Founding Fathers and it separates us from every other culture in the world. No other country has achieved what we have in the United States because of our unique American character.

But, as a nation we’re at a crossroads and we have to decide in 2012 if we’re returning to our core principles before it’s too late or do we become UK West?

President Obama believes in big government taking care of the needs of all the people. He believes in spreading the wealth because he thinks it’s only “fair”. What he promises is a lie and you only have to look at London burning before the eyes of the world tp see how much of a lie it is.

Manhattan executive spots a porn shoot being filmed in neighboring building

Well, this is the kind of thing that doesn’t happen every day. You’re at work, you read a boring report for the umpteenth time, look out the window and BAM!

Daily Mail

A New York executive got an
unexpected show from his office window this week - when he noticed what appeared to be a porn shoot outside his window.

The consulting executive, who declined to be named, was distracted from his work on Third Avenue when he noticed a scantily clad blonde woman wearing a garter belt and stockings across the way.

And, to his surprise, it appeared to be a film crew shooting the woman striking a series of provocative poses.

In front of her, a man appears to shoot the scene.

The executive sent his iPhone snaps, taken on Monday, to editors at

He called the voyeuristic sighting 'a New York Lottery of sorts,' noting the chance sighting in a city so congested you never know what you might see through an open window

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Some gus have all the luck!